A member of the North Carolina Conference of the The United Methodist Church, Charles V. Bryant has served churches in Ohio, North Carolina, and England. He is a frequent lecturerer and workshop leader on the subject of spiritual gifts.
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Your Spiritual Gifts Inventory

Charles V. Bryant
This packet contains 10 copies of the spiritual gifts inventory from the book Rediscovering Our Spiritual Gifts by Charles V. Bryant. The inventory adapts material from the basic text for small group assessment and discussion about spiritual gifts. Discover Your Spiritual Gifts Leader's Guide is also available.

Rediscovering Our Spiritual Gifts

Building Up the Body of Christ Through the Gifts of the Spirit  
Charles V. Bryant
Your Spiritual Gifts Inventory Pack is available for use with small-group members. This book identifies, defines, and discusses 32 spiritual gifts including giving, healing, hospitality, service, evangelism, and music. Bryant encourages you to discover the particular gifts the Holy Spirit has given you and challenges you to use these gifts to build up the body of Christ. The book includes a "Grace Gifts Inventory" to help you identify and apply the spiritual gifts in your life.

Rediscovering Our Spiritual Gifts

Building Up the Body of Christ Through the Gifts of the Spirit  
Charles V. Bryant

Your Spiritual Gifts Inventory Pack is available for use with small-group members. This book identifies, defines, and discusses 32 spiritual gifts including giving, healing, hospitality, service, evangelism, and music. Bryant encourages you to discover the particular gifts the Holy Spirit has given you and challenges you to use these gifts to build up the body of Christ. The book includes a "Grace Gifts Inventory" to help you identify and apply the spiritual gifts in your life.