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10 Life-Charged Words

Real Faith for Men  
Derek Maul
Hey, guys. God has a question for you: Are you in, or are you out? If you've ever thought church was boring or irrelevant, or it seems like you're just going through the motions in your spiritual life, Derek Maul has news for you. God wants your life to be fulfilling, or more completely charged! Church is meant to be so much more than just one more social club. Toss aside your preconceived ideas about Christianity. Learn how to live a purpose-filled, exciting life in Christ. Maul, a popular c...

Love Never Ends

Growing Together in Marriage and Faith  
Jeanette Lauer, Robert Lauer
"A threefold cord is not quickly broken" (Ecclesiastes 4:12). A relationship where God and spouses are entwined is as strong and resistant to stresses as a braided cord. "A stable, meaningful marriage is further strengthened by a shared spiritual journey," write the authors. "There's a reciprocal relationship between marital and spiritual growth. In our counseling, we often hear how joint faith is one of the most important factors in the vitality and stability of marriage." In Love Never Ends...