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Lanzar una nueva comunidad de adoración

Una guía práctica para la década de 2020  
Craig Gilbert, Paul Nixon

En el libro Lanzar una nueva comunidad de adoración, los autores Paul Nixon y Craig Gilbert junto con un equipo de otros catorce expertos en plantación de iglesias, ofrecen consejos valiosos a los líderes del ministerio — tanto al clero como a los laicos — para alcanzar a nuevas personas con el evangelio.

Lanzar una nueva comunidad de adoración

Una guía práctica para la década de 2020  
Craig Gilbert, Paul Nixon

En el libro Lanzar una nueva comunidad de adoración, los autores Paul Nixon y Craig Gilbert junto con un equipo de otros catorce expertos en plantación de iglesias, ofrecen consejos valiosos a los líderes del ministerio — tanto al clero como a los laicos — para alcanzar a nuevas personas con el evangelio.

Launching a New Worship Community

A Practical Guide for the 2020s  
Craig Gilbert, Paul Nixon
For many churches, the call to make disciples comes with a realization that the church's current worship opportunities do not reach certain groups in their surrounding community. New worship services offer the most promising strategy for renewing established churches and planting new worship communities. In a post-pandemic world, churches will be challenged to reach new people with the gospel and to help them meet in a way that is meaningful to them. Accessible to ministry professionals and ...

Launching a New Worship Community

A Practical Guide for the 2020s  
Craig Gilbert, Paul Nixon
For many churches, the call to make disciples comes with a realization that the church's current worship opportunities do not reach certain groups in their surrounding community. New worship services offer the most promising strategy for renewing established churches and planting new worship communities. In a post-pandemic world, churches will be challenged to reach new people with the gospel and to help them meet in a way that is meaningful to them. Accessible to ministry professionals and ...

Five Loaves, Two Fish, Twelve Volunteers

Growing a Relational Food Ministry  
Elizabeth Mae Magill
Sixty-two percent of food pantries and meal programs in the United States are faith-based. Most of these ministries are transactional; people needing food interact with church volunteers to earn access to direct service. Elizabeth Magill advocates relational ministry as a better model for food ministry. People donating food or money eat with the people who need food and get to know them as they serve alongside them. Those needing food share all aspects of the ministry, including planning, set...

Five Loaves, Two Fish, Twelve Volunteers

Growing a Relational Food Ministry  
Elizabeth Mae Magill
Sixty-two percent of food pantries and meal programs in the United States are faith-based. Most of these ministries are transactional; people needing food interact with church volunteers to earn access to direct service. Elizabeth Magill advocates relational ministry as a better model for food ministry. People donating food or money eat with the people who need food and get to know them as they serve alongside them. Those needing food share all aspects of the ministry, including planning, set...

Hacia una mentalidad misionera

Aquello que los líderes de la iglesia deben saber para alcanzar a sus comunidades—Enseñanzas de E. Stanley Jones  
Douglas Ruffle
Douglas Ruffle escribe Hacia una mentalidad misionera utilizando los principios intemporales de E. Stanley Jones y los transfiere para su uso en la actualidad. Ruffle nos enseña a acercarnos al campo misionero como si fuéramos de un país diferente y aprendiéramos una nueva cultura, una nueva forma de comunicación y una nueva forma de conectar a las personas con las buenas nuevas del Evangelio de Jesucristo.

Hacia una mentalidad misionera

Aquello que los líderes de la iglesia deben saber para alcanzar a sus comunidades—Enseñanzas de E. Stanley Jones  
Douglas Ruffle
Douglas Ruffle escribe Hacia una mentalidad misionera utilizando los principios intemporales de E. Stanley Jones y los transfiere para su uso en la actualidad. Ruffle nos enseña a acercarnos al campo misionero como si fuéramos de un país diferente y aprendiéramos una nueva cultura, una nueva forma de comunicación y una nueva forma de conectar a las personas con las buenas nuevas del Evangelio de Jesucristo.

A Mission Journey (French)

A Handbook for Volunteers  
The Upper Room

This handbook encourages short-term mission volunteers to reflect on the reasons why they engage in mission and how they plan and prepare to be more intentional. It helps volunteers shape the stories of their mission experiences in a way that enhances their personal and spiritual journeys. This is the Participant's Book. The Leader's Guide, God's Mission, Our Journey, can be found here.

A Mission Journey (Korean)

A Handbook for Volunteers  
The Upper Room

This handbook encourages short-term mission volunteers to reflect on the reasons why they engage in mission and how they plan and prepare to be more intentional. It helps volunteers shape the stories of their mission experiences in a way that enhances their personal and spiritual journeys. This is the Participant's Book. The Leader's Guide, God's Mission, Our Journey, can be found here.