William P. Brown is the William Marcellus McPheeters Professor of Old Testament at Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, GA. His teaching and writings explore the intersecting issues of creation theology, ecology, science, and justice from various biblical perspectives. He is the author of Deep Calls to Deep: The Psalms in Dialogue amid Disruption (Abingdon), A Handbook to Old Testament Exegesis (WJK), Wisdom's Wonder (Eerdmans), The Seven Pillars of Creation: The Bible, Science, and the Ecology of Wonder (OUP), and Seeing the Psalms (WJK), as well as editor of Engaging Biblical Authority (WJK).
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Sacred Tension

Embracing Dissonance and Dialogue in the Old Testament  
William P. Brown

As people of faith, the words of the Old Testament are sacred. But sometimes, if we’re being honest, the apparent contradictions and varying perspectives of these scriptures can be more confusing than clear. How are we to understand what the Bible is really trying to teach us? In Sacred Tension, renowned biblical scholar William P. Brown challenges us to embrace the dissonance within the Old Testament as a strength, a gift to prompt ongoing dialogue instead of something to be avoided. Discover new truths for our faith in this accessible and insightful introduction to the Old Testament.

Sacred Tension

Embracing Dissonance and Dialogue in the Old Testament  
William P. Brown

As people of faith, the words of the Old Testament are sacred. But sometimes, if we’re being honest, the apparent contradictions and varying perspectives of these scriptures can be more confusing than clear. How are we to understand what the Bible is really trying to teach us? In Sacred Tension, renowned biblical scholar William P. Brown challenges us to embrace the dissonance within the Old Testament as a strength, a gift to prompt ongoing dialogue instead of something to be avoided. Discover new truths for our faith in this accessible and insightful introduction to the Old Testament.