Rev. Trevor Hudson has been part of the Methodist movement in Southern Africa for more than 40 years. Serving primarily around Johannesburg, South Africa, he is deeply committed to the work and ministry of the local congregation. In addition to preaching and teaching on a regular basis in South Africa, he is also involved with the Institute for Creative Conversation and the Jesuit Institute of South Africa. A significant part of his weekly work is giving the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. Besides his local commitments, Trevor travels widely, preaching, teaching, and lecturing in the areas of spiritual formation, spiritual direction, and pastoral therapy. In the USA he lectures at Fuller Seminary and Gardner-Webb University in their Doctor of Ministry programs, the Next Frontiers Program for Ministers, the Renovare International Institute for Christian Spiritual Formation, and the Dallas Willard Center for Spiritual Formation at Westmont College. Trevor is the author of over 20 books, including the Pauses series (Pauses for Advent, Pauses for Lent, and Pauses for Pentecost) with Upper Room Books. Trevor is married to Debbie, and they are the parents of two adult children, Joni and Mark.
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Mostrando 1 - 10 de 25 resultados

Pausas para la Cuaresma

40 palabras para 40 días  
Trevor Hudson
Tomar algunos minutos para hacer una pausa es bueno para el alma. Estas pausas nos dan la oportunidad de reorganizarnos, reflexionar y volver a centrarnos en Dios. En Pausas para la Cuaresma, Trevor Hudson ofrece un libro bellamente minimalista en el que se centra en una palabra para cada día de Cuaresma. Nos invita a hacer una pausa, enfocarnos en la palabra, leer una Escritura y una meditación breve relacionada con la palabra del día y luego, a ofrecer una oración. Hacer estas pausas nos a...

Divine Friendship

Reflections for Lent  
Russell Pollitt SJ, Anthony Egan SJ, Trevor Hudson, ...
Many of us spend our lives searching for something to satisfy our deepest longings. Yet we will never find complete satisfaction in human relationships, possessions, or personal power. As Saint Augustine wrote, "Our hearts are restless until they find their rest in you [God]." Lent offers us the opportunity to deepen our friendship with God. The idea of being friends with God may intimidate some, but the authors of this book provide practical tips for developing a closer relationship with God...

Pausas para el Adviento

Palabras de regocijo  
Trevor Hudson

Hacer una pausa breve para detenerse unos minutos cada día puede ayudarnos a mantener el equilibrio en nuestras vidas, especialmente durante las temporadas del Adviento y de Navidad. En este libro, sencillo, pero no menos simplista, Trevor Hudson se centra en una palabra bíblica que nos ofrece regocijo a través de una meditación para cada día del Adviento. Sus perspicaces reflexiones sobre la palabra de cada día nos invitan a una comprensión más profunda del Adviento. Hudson también explora ...

Pausas para el Adviento

Palabras de regocijo  
Trevor Hudson

Hacer una pausa breve para detenerse unos minutos cada día puede ayudarnos a mantener el equilibrio en nuestras vidas, especialmente durante las temporadas del Adviento y de Navidad. En este libro, sencillo, pero no menos simplista, Trevor Hudson se centra en una palabra bíblica que nos ofrece regocijo a través de una meditación para cada día del Adviento. Sus perspicaces reflexiones sobre la palabra de cada día nos invitan a una comprensión más profunda del Adviento. Hudson también explora ...

Pauses for Pentecost

50 Words for Easter People  
Trevor Hudson
How do you prepare for Pentecost? As followers of Christ, we are invited to become Easter people filled with the Holy Spirit. The Resurrection is the center of the Christian faith. Without it there would be no Christian story, Christian church, or Christian way of life. Did you know that the Christian calendar sets aside a season of 50 days between Easter and Pentecost? The Easter season, sometimes called Eastertide, includes our Lord's ascension and leads to the Day of Pentecost, when Christ...

Pauses for Pentecost

50 Words for Easter People  
Trevor Hudson
How do you prepare for Pentecost? As followers of Christ, we are invited to become Easter people filled with the Holy Spirit. The Resurrection is the center of the Christian faith. Without it there would be no Christian story, Christian church, or Christian way of life. Did you know that the Christian calendar sets aside a season of 50 days between Easter and Pentecost? The Easter season, sometimes called Eastertide, includes our Lord's ascension and leads to the Day of Pentecost, when Christ...

A Mile in My Shoes

Cultivating Compassion  
Trevor Hudson

We can be quick to pray for people around the world in times of trauma, but has prayer become a way to avoid taking real action? Are we reluctant to be fully aware of the suffering around us? Trevor Hudson challenges us to see, hear, and respond to the needs of others, recognizing the living Christ in all things. Hudson designed an 8-day program—a pilgrimage—to help all Christians cultivate the depth of compassion Jesus demonstrated. Through this program, pilgrims learn to be present wherever...

Beyond Loneliness

The Gift of God's Friendship  
Trevor Hudson
Loneliness touches everyone, whether they are young or old, rich or poor. It can be one of the most painful experiences of life. There is a friend-shaped hole in all of our lives, Trevor Hudson writes. People long for relationship with others, but what may surprise them is that God actually longs to be friends with them. Having a close friendship with God is the only thing that will ultimately bring joy and happiness and ease the ache of loneliness. In Beyond Loneliness, Hudson provides guid...

Beyond Loneliness

The Gift of God's Friendship  
Trevor Hudson
Loneliness touches everyone, whether they are young or old, rich or poor. It can be one of the most painful experiences of life. There is a friend-shaped hole in all of our lives, Trevor Hudson writes. People long for relationship with others, but what may surprise them is that God actually longs to be friends with them. Having a close friendship with God is the only thing that will ultimately bring joy and happiness and ease the ache of loneliness. In Beyond Loneliness, Hudson provides guid...

Invitations of Jesus

Trevor Hudson
How do we respond to the invitations of Jesus? Trevor Hudson calls us to consider the invitations Jesus offers in five dimensions of life. In his gentle and intimate style, Trevor leads you to see where Christ is touching your life, calling you to deeper relationship with God, self, and neighbor. This six-week small group study includes a Leader's Guide for small-group facilitation. The sessions are structured to last one hour and open with a prayer followed by reading the Word, reflecting on...