Tex Sample is the Robert B. and Kathleen Rogers Professor Emeritus of Church and Society at the Saint Paul School of Theology. An ordained elder in the UMC, he and his wife, Peggy, are active in the Platte Woods Church in Missouri.
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Micro Practices for Justice Ministry

Doing Little Things for the Common Good  
Tex Sample

What if the most profound changes in justice ministry come not from grand gestures, but from the small, faithful acts we practice every day? Micro Practices for Justice Ministry: Doing Little Things for the Common Good provides insights from more than 40 pastors from diverse ministry contexts on how small, intentional actions have the power to create lasting social change. Combining theological depth, inspiring stories, and hundreds of actionable practices, this book serves as both a practical manual and devotional for clergy, laity, or anyone committed to advancing justice, one small step at a time.