Sharon Seyfarth Garner is an ordained United Methodist pastor, a spiritual director, and a retreat leader. She founded Belly of the Whale Spiritual Direction & Retreat Ministries in 2014. Sharon finds great joy in sharing the journey of spiritual discovery with others. She also enjoys spending time with her family, kayaking, making pottery, singing loudly, and taking long walks with her husband and dog.
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Praying with Mandalas

A Colorful, Contemplative Practice  
Sharon Seyfarth Garner
Have you ever thought of coloring as a way to pray? Pick up your colored pencils or crayons and discover a creative way to slow down and focus on God. Sharon Seyfarth Garner invites adults to color mandalas as an easy, enjoyable, and tangible way to "be with God on purpose." Praying with Mandalas blends the relaxing and contemplative practice of coloring with these ancient spiritual practices: Lectio divina (meditative reading of scripture) Intercessory prayer Centering prayer Examen (revie...