Marjorie J. Thompson is an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church (USA). She has served as director of the Pathways Center for Spiritual Leadership and as spiritual director to Companions in Christ, a program outgrowth of the Pathways initiative of The Upper Room. Companions in Christ is a series of small-group resources for spiritual formation in local congregations, suited to ecumenical use. Marjorie has exercised a ministry of teaching, writing, and spiritual guidance for many years.
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Compañerismo en Cristo Libro del participante - PDF

Una experiencia de formación espiritual en grupos pequeños  
Rueben P. Job, Marjorie J. Thompson, Wendy M. Wright, ...
Compañerismo en Cristo, Guía del líder también está disponible. El libro del participante incluye 28 semanas de lecturas y ejercicios dividas en 5 secciones. Los temas de cada semana son presentados por autores reconocidos quienes tienen conocimientos amplios sobre cada tema. En estos capítulos introductorios, escritores como Gerrit Scott Dawson, Adele González, E. Glenn Hinson, Rueben Job, Marjorie Thompson y Wendy Wright combinan el testimonio personal con lo mejor de la tradición cristian...

Compañerismo en Cristo Guía del líder - PDF

Una experiencia de formación espiritual en grupos pequeños  
Stephen D. Bryant, Marjorie J. Thompson, Janice T. Grana
Compañerismo en Cristo, Libro del participante también está disponibles para miembros de grupos pequeños. Usted explorará a profundidad las Escrituras, aprenderá a escuchar a Dios por medio de ellas, y permitirá a su vida ser formada por la Palabra. Experimentará nuevas dimensiones de la oración, practicará nuevas formas de abrir su vida a Dios, y aprenderá lo que significa practicar la presencia de Dios. Usted reflexionará sobre el llamado de Cristo a su vida y descubrirá de nuevo los dones...

The Way of Grace Leader's Guide

Melissa Tidwell, Marjorie J. Thompson
The Way of Grace Participant's Book is also available for small-group members. The Way of Grace Leader's Guide provides all the tools you need to guide small groups through this 9-week journey. You'll reflect on "the way of grace" in our lives through the lens of 8 encounters between Jesus and various people described in John's Gospel. In the guide you'll find: An explanation of spiritual formation A description of the leadership skills called for when leading formational groups A complete ...

Compañerismo en Cristo Libro del participante

Una experiencia de formación espiritual en grupos pequeños  
Rueben P. Job, Marjorie J. Thompson, Wendy M. Wright, ...
Compañerismo en Cristo, Guía del líder también está disponible. El libro del participante incluye 28 semanas de lecturas y ejercicios dividas en 5 secciones. Los temas de cada semana son presentados por autores reconocidos quienes tienen conocimientos amplios sobre cada tema. En estos capítulos introductorios, escritores como Gerrit Scott Dawson, Adele González, E. Glenn Hinson, Rueben Job, Marjorie Thompson y Wendy Wright combinan el testimonio personal con lo mejor de la tradición cristian...

Compañerismo en Cristo Guía del líder

Una experiencia de formación espiritual en grupos pequeños  
Stephen D. Bryant, Marjorie J. Thompson, Janice T. Grana
Compañerismo en Cristo, Libro del participante también está disponible para miembros de grupos pequeños. Usted explorará a profundidad las Escrituras, aprenderá a escuchar a Dios por medio de ellas, y permitirá a su vida ser formada por la Palabra. Experimentará nuevas dimensiones de la oración, practicará nuevas formas de abrir su vida a Dios, y aprenderá lo que significa practicar la presencia de Dios. Usted reflexionará sobre el llamado de Cristo a su vida y descubrirá de nuevo los dones ...

The Way of Blessedness Participant's Book

Stephen D. Bryant, Marjorie J. Thompson
The Way of Blessedness Leader's Guide is also available. The Way of Blessedness invites readers to cultivate the dispositions of the soul as outlined in Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, which suit us for the reign of God while drawing us into its realm. Jesus portrays the reign of God in terms that are contrary to social hierarchy — in his time as well as our own. It is a realm of outlandish generosity and uncommon compassion. This is a 9-week study of the spiritual practices that help us turn a...

The Way of Forgiveness Participant's Book

Marjorie J. Thompson
The Way of Forgiveness Leader's Guide is also available. It takes a lot of willingness and practice to see life from God's perspective. Perhaps nothing goes more against the grain of human nature than forgiving those who wound us and accepting forgiveness from others. But practicing forgiveness will transform your life and help you grow in the heart and mind of Christ. In The Way of Forgiveness, an 8-week small-group study, MarjorieThompson examines shame, guilt, and anger, helping you releas...

The Way of Forgiveness Leader's Guide

Stephen D. Bryant, Marjorie J. Thompson
The Way of Forgiveness Participant's Book is also available for small-group members. The Way of Forgiveness Leader's Guide provides everything you need to lead small groups through this 8-week study. This guide includes step-by-step instructions for each of the weekly sessions. It also includes information to help you develop the distinct skills needed when leading spiritual formation groups. A Weekly Needs at a Glance list helps streamline your preparation. Session topics include: Living ...

Family the Forming Center

A Vision of the Role of Family in Spiritual Formation  
Marjorie J. Thompson
The first place most of us experience God and learn the values that shape our lives is within the family. Is it any wonder, then, that all manner of current social ills are blamed on the disintegration of family life? Children need to see that the spiritual life is significant to their parents at home as well as at church. If your home life differs from the image you present at church, your kids will see faith as contrived and irrelevant. In this revised and expanded edition, Thompson suggest...

Soul Feast

An Invitation to the Christian Spiritual Life  
Marjorie J. Thompson
First released in 1995, this spiritual classic continues to be a bestseller, as thousands each year accept Marjorie Thompson's invitation to the Christian spiritual life. Offering a framework for understanding the spiritual disciplines and instruction for developing and nurturing those practices, Soul Feast continues to be a favorite for individual reflection and group study. Many new additions, including a new chapter on keeping the Sabbath, make this newly revised edition of Soul Feast a mu...