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The Way of Blessedness Participant's Book

The Way of Blessedness Participant's Book

por Stephen D. Bryant, Marjorie J. Thompson
Libro de bolsillo
Compañeros en Cristo Colecciones Práctica Espiritual

The Way of Blessedness Leader's Guide is also available.

The Way of Blessedness invites readers to cultivate the dispositions of the soul as outlined in Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, which suit us for the reign of God while drawing us into its realm. Jesus portrays the reign of God in terms that are contrary to social hierarchy — in his time as well as our own. It is a realm of outlandish generosity and uncommon compassion. This is a 9-week study of the spiritual practices that help us turn away from pride and fill us with God's abundant love. As we're transformed by God's love, we're able to become people who mourn with and for others and our world, who understand and live out Jesus' example of meekness, who hunger and thirst for holiness, who humbly offer and receive mercy, whose hearts are pure and able to see the imprint of God in all things, who seek peace, and who hold strong in our faith through adversity. The Way of Blessedness guides participants along a path that offers clarity to our way of life and the very life of God's kingdom.

Formato: Libro de bolsillo
ISBN: 978-0-8358-0992-4
Editor: The Upper Room
Imprimir: Upper Room Books
Fecha de publicación: 07/01/2003
Paginas: 118
Dimensiones: 9.2500 x 7.5000 x 0.2490

Stephen D. Bryant was the world editor and publisher of Upper Room Ministries from 1997 to 2009 and is currently directing international ministry initiatives for the General Board of Discipleship. Before his election as world editor and publisher, Bryant served as director of spiritual formation for The Upper Room and as the international director of The Walk to Emmaus and Chrysalis movements. His vision of small groups as important settings for spiritual formation and his experience in the contemplative life as well as local churches provided the inspiration for the Companions in Christ series. Bryant was instrumental in shaping the foundational 28-week resource.

Marjorie J. Thompson is an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church (USA). She has served as director of the Pathways Center for Spiritual Leadership and as spiritual director to Companions in Christ, a program outgrowth of the Pathways initiative of The Upper Room. Companions in Christ is a series of small-group resources for spiritual formation in local congregations, suited to ecumenical use. Marjorie has exercised a ministry of teaching, writing, and spiritual guidance for many years.

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