A nationally recognized leader, speaker, and author on evangelism and church revitalization, the Rev. Junius B. Dotson served as the general secretary (CEO) of Discipleship Ministries, an international agency of The United Methodist Church, from July 2016 until his death in February 2021. He is the author of Soul Reset: Breakdown, Breakthrough, and the Journey to Wholeness, Developing an Intentional Discipleship System: A Guide for Congregations, and Engaging Your Community: A Guide to Seeing All the People. Before coming to Discipleship Ministries, Dotson served as senior pastor of Saint Mark United Methodist Church in Wichita, Kansas for 14 years. He was instrumental in transforming the 3,500-member church into a multicampus congregation.
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Reinicio del alma

Crisis, avance y viaje a la plenitud  
Junius B. Dotson
Todo parecía estar bien, hasta que no lo estaba. Al reverendo Junius B. Dotson le costó un desmayo mientras predicaba en un funeral para darse cuenta de que necesitaba un reinicio. A medida que recordaba su propio peregrinaje a través del duelo, la depresión, el agotamiento y el colapso emocional, Dotson se apasionó por el llamado a un reinicio del alma para los pastores, pastoras, líderes de la iglesia y todas las personas discípulas de Jesucristo. Este es un estudio de 6 semanas de duració...

Reinicio del alma

Crisis, avance y viaje a la plenitud  
Junius B. Dotson

Todo parecía estar bien, hasta que no lo estaba. Al reverendo Junius B. Dotson le costó un desmayo mientras predicaba en un funeral para darse cuenta de que necesitaba un reinicio. A medida que recordaba su propio peregrinaje a través del duelo, la depresión, el agotamiento y el colapso emocional, Dotson se apasionó por el llamado a un reinicio del alma para los pastores, pastoras, líderes de la iglesia y todas las personas discípulas de Jesucristo. Este es un estudio de 6 semanas de duració...

Soul Reset

Breakdown, Breakthrough, and the Journey to Wholeness  
Junius B. Dotson
Everything was going fine … until it wasn't. For Reverend Junius B. Dotson it took an actual breakdown during a funeral for him to realize he needed a reset. As he recalls his own journey through grief, depression, burnout, and emotional breakdown, Dotson is passionate about calling for a Soul Reset for pastors, church leaders, and all disciples of Jesus Christ. This is a 6-week churchwide study for everyone who moves at breakneck speed through their daily lives, often relying only on their o...

Soul Reset Adult Group Guide

Junius B. Dotson
This downloadable PDF resource is a companion to both the Soul Reset book and the DVD video segments featuring author Junius B. Dotson. It includes all of the additional content needed for adults to participate in and/or lead a group discussion and experience of Soul Reset. This six-session adult group guide will provide an outline for each group gathering, including prayers, Scripture readings, questions for discussion and/or reflection, and spiritual practices.

Soul Reset Youth Group Guide

Junius B. Dotson
This downloadable PDF youth group guide will provide an outline for each group gathering, including prayers, scripture readings, questions for discussion and/or reflection, and spiritual practices.

Power Up Children's Group Guide

Starting Each Day with Jesus  
Junius B. Dotson
This downloadable PDF children’s guide includes topics for children to engage in and learn about, such as building self-esteem, dealing with emotions like anger and sadness, and learning how to ask for help with these when needed. This guide provides an outline for each children’s group gathering, including prayers, scripture verses, activities, and more.

Soul Reset Sermon Starters

Junius B. Dotson
This downloadable PDF resource is a companion to the book Soul Reset by Junius B. Dotson, and it includes content for creating sermons around the core messages of the book. Included are features such as scripture reflection and analysis, application points and questions, worship helps, and more.

Soul Reset Session 2: Feel The Feelings

Junius B. Dotson
God doesn’t just save us for heaven in the future. God saves our hearts and souls and bodies in the here and now. God cares about our whole person, just as we are. (Soul Reset series introduction and preview trailer segments included.)

Soul Reset Session 3: It's Not All on Me

Junius B. Dotson
When Jesus' very presence is our first priority, we can lift our eyes from the long list of tasks to be done and instead focus on their greater purpose. Busyness is not the way of Jesus. (Soul Reset series introduction and preview trailer segments included.)