Colleen Hallagan Preuninger is the associate minister for Memorial Church and director of Student Engagement at Stanford University in Stanford, California. She is an ordained elder in The United Methodist Church and previously worked at the Office of Spiritual Life at Shenandoah University, where she directed a Lilly Endowment supported theological institute. She also has served as the United Methodist Ecumenical Chaplain at Syracuse University and as a pastor of a United Methodist congregation. A gifted preacher and administrator, Colleen has more than ten years' experience working with young adults in both congregational and multifaith settings. She is an enthusiastic spiritual leader who is passionate about cultivating thoughtful and formative environments for the spiritual formation of students. She holds a B.A. in German Language and Literature from Hamilton College, a Master of Divinity degree from Princeton Theological Seminary, and will complete her Doctor of Ministry degree at Wesley Theological Seminary in May of 2020.
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Campus Ministry

Empowering Congregations to Support Students at Colleges and Universities  
Colleen Hallagan Preuninger
This resource, written with the intention to support a new Lay Servant Ministries course, will give readers a general understanding of the developmental needs of the 18- to 26-year-old demographic in the United States; general categories of institutions of higher learning; basic structures for campus ministries and offices of spiritual and religious life on college or university campuses; a framework to discern how United Methodist congregations may be called to serve students in their local ...

Campus Ministry

Empowering Congregations to Support Students at Colleges and Universities  
Colleen Hallagan Preuninger
This resource, written with the intention to support a new Lay Servant Ministries course, will give readers a general understanding of the developmental needs of the 18- to 26-year-old demographic in the United States; general categories of institutions of higher learning; basic structures for campus ministries and offices of spiritual and religious life on college or university campuses; a framework to discern how United Methodist congregations may be called to serve students in their local ...

Campus Ministry Leader's Guide

Empowering Congregations to Support Students at Colleges and Universities  
Colleen Hallagan Preuninger
This PDF-format leader's guide, a separately available companion component to the book Campus Ministry: Empowering Congregations, by Colleen Hallagan Preuninger, will provide all necessary tools to lead a Lay Servant Ministries course on the book's subject matter. These resources will work together to give readers a general understanding of the developmental needs of the 18- to 26-year-old demographic in the United States; general categories of institutions of higher learning; basic structure...