Ann Siddall serves The Uniting Church in Australia in her expertise of spiritual formation, which is the process of growing in faith and becoming more Christ-like in your life. She teaches in this area at Adelaide College of Divinity, leads retreats, and guides congregations in long-term visioning and planning. Siddall's education includes a diploma in pastoral ministry and training as a spiritual director. A former journalist, she continues to write and serves as a lay preacher. She enjoys travel, books, and meals with friends.
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Tending the Seed

Nurture Your God-Given Potential  
Ann Siddall, Gary Stuckey
God gives generously to each of us and invites our cooperation. The best illustration for this is the parable of the sower. "Jesus said, 'A sower went out to sow his seed … Some fell into good soil, and when it grew, it produced a hundredfold…' " As Christians, we're expected to be progressively transformed and more spiritually formed. To do so, Siddall and Stuckey assert that we need to find lifestyles and practices that help us through the slow, deep process of discerning and nurturing our ...