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Mostrando 31 - 40 de 361 resultados

Five Loaves, Two Fish, Twelve Volunteers

Growing a Relational Food Ministry  
Elizabeth Mae Magill
Sixty-two percent of food pantries and meal programs in the United States are faith-based. Most of these ministries are transactional; people needing food interact with church volunteers to earn access to direct service. Elizabeth Magill advocates relational ministry as a better model for food ministry. People donating food or money eat with the people who need food and get to know them as they serve alongside them. Those needing food share all aspects of the ministry, including planning, set...

Extraordinary Ministry in Ordinary Time

An Invitation to Renewal for Pastors  
James A. Harnish
What energizes someone in pastoral ministry for the long haul? Holy days like Christmas, Easter, and Pentecost are the exception. Ordinary Time, the longest season of the Christian year, is where pastors spend most of their ministry. James Harnish invites pastors and other ministers to see Ordinary Time as a metaphor for the ordinary days of ministry. "Whether we thrive or merely survive depends on what we do with the ordinary days," he writes. Harnish encourages ministers to develop spiritua...

Extraordinary Ministry in Ordinary Time

An Invitation to Renewal for Pastors  
James A. Harnish
What energizes someone in pastoral ministry for the long haul? Holy days like Christmas, Easter, and Pentecost are the exception. Ordinary Time, the longest season of the Christian year, is where pastors spend most of their ministry. James Harnish invites pastors and other ministers to see Ordinary Time as a metaphor for the ordinary days of ministry. "Whether we thrive or merely survive depends on what we do with the ordinary days," he writes. Harnish encourages ministers to develop spiritua...

A Disciple's Journal Year A

Steven W. Manskar

A Disciple's Journal, carefully designed and deeply Wesleyan, provides a pattern of daily prayer and scripture reading for persons who want to grow in holiness of heart and life. It invites readers into a Wesleyan way of following Jesus Christ shaped by the General Rule of Discipleship: To witness to Jesus Christ in the world and to follow his teachings through acts of compassion, justice, worship, and devotion under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. This edition begins with Advent 2019 and ca...

La Biblia a través de los ojos de Juan Wesley

52 estudios bíblicos de discipulado  
Philip Wingeier-Rayo
Este recurso es el fruto del trabajo misional del autor en iglesias de América Latina y EE. UU. Las clases están diseñadas para proveer enseñanza tanto a personas nuevas en la fe, como a quienes tienen más conocimiento o madurez y desean profundizar su estudio de las Escrituras a través de los lentes de la herencia, la teología y las doctrinas básicas de la fe wesleyanas—herramientas fundamentales para nutrir el discipulado cristiano en la tradición wesleyana. Cada estudio bíblico o clase co...

La Biblia a través de los ojos de Juan Wesley

52 estudios bíblicos de discipulado  
Philip Wingeier-Rayo
Este recurso es el fruto del trabajo misional del autor en iglesias de América Latina y EE. UU. Las clases están diseñadas para proveer enseñanza tanto a personas nuevas en la fe, como a quienes tienen más conocimiento o madurez y desean profundizar su estudio de las Escrituras a través de los lentes de la herencia, la teología y las doctrinas básicas de la fe wesleyanas—herramientas fundamentales para nutrir el discipulado cristiano en la tradición wesleyana. Cada estudio bíblico o clase co...

A Spirituality of Fundraising Workbook Edition

Henri J. M. Nouwen, Nathan Ball

The why—and how—of faith-based fundraising and stewardship. For years, many faith-based fundraisers and communities have been inspired by Henri J. M. Nouwen's book A Spirituality of Fundraising and his approach to fundraising as a calling and ministry. Many who are inspired by Nouwen's vision remain hesitant to ask for money, saying, "I don't have the personality to raise money" or "Asking for money still feels too complicated and makes me fearful." Nathan Ball, a close colleague and friend ...

A Spirituality of Fundraising Workbook Edition

Henri J. M. Nouwen, Nathan Ball

The why—and how—of faith-based fundraising and stewardship. For years, many faith-based fundraisers and communities have been inspired by Henri J. M. Nouwen's book A Spirituality of Fundraising and his approach to fundraising as a calling and ministry. Many who are inspired by Nouwen's vision remain hesitant to ask for money, saying, "I don't have the personality to raise money" or "Asking for money still feels too complicated and makes me fearful." Nathan Ball, a close colleague and friend ...

Don't Look Down

Answering Jesus' Call to Walk on the Water  
Rosario Picardo
Don't Look Down: Answering Jesus' Call to Walk on the Water is for followers of Jesus who may find themselves stuck in a rut spiritually, at a decision point but too afraid to make a move or wondering why they aren't living a more fulfilled, purposeful life. This book features practical application for turning faith into Kingdom work and discipleship in our faith communities. It also features fresh, encouraging, and imitable stories of people (church planters and entrepreneurs) who have heard...

Don't Look Down

Answering Jesus' Call to Walk on the Water  
Rosario Picardo
Don't Look Down: Answering Jesus' Call to Walk on the Water is for followers of Jesus who may find themselves stuck in a rut spiritually, at a decision point but too afraid to make a move or wondering why they aren't living a more fulfilled, purposeful life. This book features practical application for turning faith into Kingdom work and discipleship in our faith communities. It also features fresh, encouraging, and imitable stories of people (church planters and entrepreneurs) who have heard...