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Mostrando 11 - 20 de 43 resultados

We Are Beloved

A Lenten Journey with Protestant Prayer Beads  
Kristen E. Vincent
Christians often have the head knowledge that we are beloved, but deep in our hearts do we truly believe it? Author Kristen Vincent takes us on a journey with Jesus that helps us discover how deeply beloved we are. This 6-week Lenten journey follows stories of Jesus' experience of God's love. The incarnate Son of God was made fully human, which means that Jesus had to fully mature in strength and wisdom to learn that he was beloved. Just as Jesus learned of his belovedness, we, too, can culti...

We Are Beloved

A Lenten Journey with Protestant Prayer Beads  
Kristen E. Vincent

Christians often have the head knowledge that we are beloved, but deep in our hearts do we truly believe it? Author Kristen Vincent takes us on a journey with Jesus that helps us discover how deeply beloved we are. This 6-week Lenten journey follows stories of Jesus' experience of God's love. The incarnate Son of God was made fully human, which means that Jesus had to fully mature in strength and wisdom to learn that he was beloved. Just as Jesus learned of his belovedness, we, too, can culti...

Pausas para la Cuaresma

40 palabras para 40 días  
Trevor Hudson
Tomar algunos minutos para hacer una pausa es bueno para el alma. Estas pausas nos dan la oportunidad de reorganizarnos, reflexionar y volver a centrarnos en Dios. En Pausas para la Cuaresma, Trevor Hudson ofrece un libro bellamente minimalista en el que se centra en una palabra para cada día de Cuaresma. Nos invita a hacer una pausa, enfocarnos en la palabra, leer una Escritura y una meditación breve relacionada con la palabra del día y luego, a ofrecer una oración. Hacer estas pausas nos a...

Divine Friendship

Reflections for Lent  
Russell Pollitt SJ, Anthony Egan SJ, Trevor Hudson, ...
Many of us spend our lives searching for something to satisfy our deepest longings. Yet we will never find complete satisfaction in human relationships, possessions, or personal power. As Saint Augustine wrote, "Our hearts are restless until they find their rest in you [God]." Lent offers us the opportunity to deepen our friendship with God. The idea of being friends with God may intimidate some, but the authors of this book provide practical tips for developing a closer relationship with God...

A Clearing Season

Reflections for Lent  
Sarah Parsons
Cities across the world celebrate Mardi Gras with colorful parades and over-the-top parties. Then Ash Wednesday arrives … Sigh. Lent has begun. You hear about devout friends giving up seemingly innocent things like chocolate or stressing out as they try to live a more perfect life during six grueling weeks—for reasons you don't completely understand. Sermons about penitence are preached, and guilt soaks the congregation. Sound like a good time?! It's time to rethink Lent. Or at least see it f...

Easter Earthquake

How Resurrection Shakes Our World  
James A. Harnish

Have you ever been in an earthquake? Earthquakes shake our most basic assumptions: that the ground will remain steady beneath our feet, that the world's current existence is the way it will always be. But when tectonic plates shift under the earth's surface and the ground shakes beneath our feet, it rattles the bedrock assumptions on which we build our lives. The Gospel of Matthew reports that on the first Easter morning, an earthquake rocked the earth, ripped open the tomb, and scared the Ro...

Easter Earthquake

How Resurrection Shakes Our World  
James A. Harnish

Have you ever been in an earthquake? Earthquakes shake our most basic assumptions: that the ground will remain steady beneath our feet, that the world's current existence is the way it will always be. But when tectonic plates shift under the earth's surface and the ground shakes beneath our feet, it rattles the bedrock assumptions on which we build our lives. The Gospel of Matthew reports that on the first Easter morning, an earthquake rocked the earth, ripped open the tomb, and scared the Ro...

Gospeled Lives

Encounters with Jesus, A Lenten Study  
John Indermark
"Gospeled" lives are lives that have encountered Jesus Christ. Christ's call leads to a continually unfolding story for each of us. An encounter with the living Christ demands a response, John Indermark says. In this book you will learn about New Testament characters who encountered Jesus. Some responded with joy and gratitude. Others ignored or rejected his offer of good news. Indermark's powerful reflections on the various biblical characters, along with daily reading of scripture, written ...

The God We Can Know Session 1 - Knowing the Great "I Am"

Knowing the Great "I Am"  
Rob Fuquay
In this video, Rob Fuquay helps us learn the background of the words "I Am" in scripture. Filmed in the Holy Land, the video begins in the desert, where God spoke the words "I Am" to Moses. Through Moses's encounter with the burning bush, God called Moses to return to Egypt and tell Pharaoh, "Let my people go!" Moses asked God, "If the people ask who sent me, what shall I say?" God replied, "Tell the Israelites 'I Am' has sent you." Twelve hundred years later, Jesus used the words "I Am" to r...

The God We Can Know Session 2 - Knowing God's Satisfaction

"I Am the Bread of Life"  
Rob Fuquay
This video segment takes us to the Mount of Beatitudes, the site that commemorates Jesus' feeding the 5,000. Fuquay notes that the crowd consisted of 5,000 men; with women and children, it could have been as many as 15,000 people. Besides the Resurrection, the story of Jesus' miracle of feeding the crowd is the only miracle story told in all four Gospels. Next, we go with Fuquay to Capernaum, an outpost of Jesus' ministry that was located on the Sea of Galilee. Jesus came to Capernaum after t...