En existencia
Writings of Julian of Norwich

Writings of Julian of Norwich

Editado por Keith Beasley-Topliffe
Libro de bolsillo
Clero y laicos Discipulado Colecciones


  • Historical commentary
  • Biographical info
  • Appendix with further readings

For nearly 2,000 years, Christian mystics, martyrs, and sages have documented their search for the divine. Their writings have bestowed boundless wisdom upon subsequent generations. But they have also burdened many spiritual seekers. The sheer volume of available material creates a seemingly insurmountable obstacle. Enter the Upper Room Spiritual Classics series, a collection of authoritative texts on Christian spirituality curated for the everyday reader. Designed to introduce 15 spiritual giants and the range of their works, these volumes are a first-rate resource for beginner and expert alike.

Julian of Norwich, a late 14th-century nun and spiritual writer, wrote descriptions of her "showings" and other insights from a lifetime of prayer, and these writings have inspired countless Christians. Julian's writing offers what some believe to be one of the most moving discussions of God's love in all of Christian literature.

Formato: Libro de bolsillo
ISBN: 978-0-8358-1651-9
Editor: The Upper Room
Imprimir: Upper Room Books
Fecha de publicación: 04/01/2017
Paginas: 76
Dimensiones: 7.0000 x 5.0000

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