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The Way of Scripture Participant's Book

The Way of Scripture Participant's Book

por Marjorie J. Thompson, M. Robert Mulholland
Libro de bolsillo
Compañeros en Cristo Colecciones Práctica Espiritual

The Way of Scripture Leader's Guide is also available.

Join other committed Christians in an 8-week study (includes a preparatory session) designed to help you experience scripture as a place of transforming encounter with God. This Companions in Christ resource promotes the classical practice of lectio divina to develop patterns of being engaged by God in scripture. The following topics are addressed:

  • Scripture: A Place of Transforming Encounter
  • Silentio: Preparing to Be Read by Scripture
  • Lectio: Ingesting the Word
  • Meditatio: Wrestling with God
  • Oratio: Letting God Know How We Feel
  • Contemplatio: Abandoning Ourselves to God in Love
  • Incarnatio: The Word Becoming Flesh in Us
Formato: Libro de bolsillo
ISBN: 978-0-8358-1034-0
Editor: The Upper Room
Imprimir: Upper Room Books
Fecha de publicación: 08/01/2010
Paginas: 112
Dimensiones: 9.2500 x 7.3125

Marjorie J. Thompson is an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church (USA). She has served as director of the Pathways Center for Spiritual Leadership and as spiritual director to Companions in Christ, a program outgrowth of the Pathways initiative of The Upper Room. Companions in Christ is a series of small-group resources for spiritual formation in local congregations, suited to ecumenical use. Marjorie has exercised a ministry of teaching, writing, and spiritual guidance for many years.

Robert Mulholland is professor of New Testament at Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, Kentucky.


I often shake my head in wonder and appreciation for how *The Way of Scripture** lead me deeper into the mystery of the Word addressing us in scripture. I'd never had such a clear or expectant way of encountering Jesus behind and within the words of the Bible. *Lectio divina** has opened me to the penetrating presence of the Spirit inhabiting the text of scripture. My Bible will never be the same!
--John Anderson
Pastor, Trinity Presbyterian Church
Arvada, Colorado

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