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Responding to Our Call, Participant's Book, Vol. 4

Responding to Our Call, Participant's Book, Vol. 4

por Gerrit Scott Dawson
Libro de bolsillo
Compañeros en Cristo Práctica Espiritual

A revised Companions in Christ Leader's Guide, containing a "Getting Started Guide" and new plans for a closing retreat, is also available.

Responding to Our Call: The Work of Christ examines the meaning of discipleship and how obedience leads to the fruits and gifts of the Holy Spirit. Reflect on Christ's call in your life and discover anew the gifts that God is giving you for living out your personal ministry. This book is the fourth segment of a five-volume study of the original 28-week Companions in Christ resource. The five-piece participant series is designed for groups that will take breaks between the other four volumes:

OPTION: Groups that wish to experience an uninterrupted 28-week study of Companions in Christ should order Companions in Christ Participant's Book in 1 Volume.

Formato: Libro de bolsillo
ISBN: 978-0-8358-9833-1
Editor: The Upper Room
Imprimir: Upper Room Books
Fecha de publicación: 03/01/2006
Paginas: 86
Dimensiones: 9.2500 x 7.3125 x 0.1620

Gerrit Scott Dawson has been the minister of the First Presbyterian Church of Lenoir, North Carolina for thirteen years, learning the joy of the "extraordinary ordinariness" in the long-term pastorate. He is married and the father of four children. Thankful that each year's rhythm includes a contribution to Weavings, his most recent book is the forthcoming Jesus Ascended: The Meaning of Christ's Continuing Incarnation.


"Intense, enriching, formational, sometimes challenging and risky, and even at times excruciatingly wrenching, humbling but uplifting, painful but healing, worthwhile — left us wanting more!"

— Virginia M. Rimm
Vassalboro United Methodist Church, Maine

"Companions in Christ has really helped me and my group visualize our place in God's kingdom. It's not just a course. The length of it makes it a practice or way of life. We are praying more, listening to God's Word and listening to God speak to us. It is definitely changing our lives as we become more active and obedient to God's will."

— Rob Guy
Christian Chapel CME, Temple of Faith, Dallas

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