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Loving the World with God

Loving the World with God

Fourth Day Living  

por Rebecca Bruff
Libro de bolsillo
Discipulado Generosidad Sanidad y plenitud

Have you ever had a mountaintop spiritual experience and then had trouble returning to the reality of your daily life? This book is for those who have gone on a Walk to Emmaus weekend or another intense spiritual experience such as a retreat, mission trip, or sabbatical.

After such a time of spiritual growth, you need practical, hands-on ways to continue your daily walk with Jesus Christ and love the world with God. Rebecca Bruff offers guidance and inspiration for living the rest of your life after your mountaintop experience.

  • Emmaus sponsors: A great gift to give pilgrims you sponsor.
  • Also a great follow-up to a mission trip or sabbatical.
Formato: Libro de bolsillo
ISBN: 978-0-8358-1335-8
Editor: The Upper Room
Imprimir: Upper Room Books
Fecha de publicación: 11/01/2014
Paginas: 96
Dimensiones: 9.0000 x 6.0000 x 0.2030

Rebecca Dwight Bruff has led more than 50 cross-cultural missions and immersions with youth and adults. She serves as Associate Pastor for Faith Development at First United Methodist Church in Richardson, Texas. Her international mission travels have taken her to Mexico, Nigeria, Guatemala, Costa Rica, and Russia.

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