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Lay Speakers Teach Adults

Lay Speakers Teach Adults

Advanced Course  

por Diana L. Hynson
Archivo PDF
Clero y laicos Discipulado

This is a course on teaching and leader development, intended for educators and volunteers in the local church, as well as those seeking advanced certification for lay speaking. "The Lay Speaking Ministries of The United Methodist Church provide an opportunity for called and dedicated Christians to serve in their congregations and communities," writes Hynson. "As you progress in developing your service and skills as a lay speaker, this course will help you become more competent in teaching and leading in a classroom or small group." If you feel God "tugging at you" to be a leader in the ministry of Christian education and formation, this course is for you.

The Rev. Dr. Diana L. Hynson is the Director of Learning and Teaching Ministries at the General Board of Discipleship of The United Methodist Church, Nashville, TN. Her focus is on Christian education and formation, education leaders in the local church and beyond, and pastors in their role as educators. Before joining the General Board, Diana worked for thirteen years as a development editor at The United Methodist Publishing House. She is an ordained elder in the Baltimore-Washington Annual Conference and has served churches in the Baltimore area.

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