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Devotional Life in the Wesleyan Tradition

Devotional Life in the Wesleyan Tradition

A Workbook  

por Steve Harper
Libro electrónico
Devocional Discipulado Práctica Espiritual

This workbook describes major features in John Wesley's devotional life, and it illustrates how you can apply his ministry to your own life.

Structured around Wesley's "Means of Grace," the 7-week study covers prayer, scripture, the Lord's Supper, fasting, Christian conferencing, and providential means of grace. Developed for individual or group study, the workbook also offers suggestions for organizing an initial group meeting and developing a successful group study.

Also available in Spanish as La Vida de Devoción en la Tradición Wesleyana and in Korean.

Dr. Steve Harper (PhD, Duke University, 1981) is a retired elder in the Florida Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church and a retired professor of spiritual formation and Wesley studies. Steve is the author of 16 books and coauthor of 13 others, as well as numerous articles and entries in Christian encyclopedias. He continues in ministries of preaching, teaching, and writing but is also enjoying the blessings of retirement. Steve and his wife, Jeannie, live in Winter Springs, Florida.

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