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Beach Calling

Beach Calling

A Devotional Journal for the Middle Years and Beyond  

por Missy Buchanan
En Espiral
Devocional Mujeres

Imagine listening to the rhythmic ebb and flow of the tide, feeling the heat and grit of the sand between your toes, and viewing the vast expanse of the sky stretching across the horizon. The wonder of the beach illuminates the magnificence of the Creator.

With Beach Calling you don't have to be at the beach to experience the sea, the sand, the sky, and the glory of the One who created it all. Author Missy Buchanan's brilliant descriptions—intertwined artfully with scripture—paint a vivid picture that invites you to a closer, more authentic walk with God.

Allow the holy words of scripture and the vibrant text to lead you to contemplate where you are now in your life, what brought you here through your yesterdays, and what God has in store for you in your tomorrows.

For more information on the book, including a video about the book, visit this page.

Also available in a bundle with a tote bag and a pen.

Formato: En Espiral
ISBN: 978-0-8358-1877-3
Editor: The Upper Room
Imprimir: Upper Room Books
Fecha de publicación: 05/17/2019
Paginas: 128

Missy Buchanan, an advocate for older adults, is an internationally recognized author and speaker on issues of aging faithfully. With thousands of followers on social media, Buchanan provides daily insight and encouragement for the journey of aging. She enjoys weekly visits with older adult friends in senior living communities and teaching older adult classes at her church. Buchanan is the author of multiple books, a devotional calendar, and a devotional journal. Making life transitions as a widow, she now lives in the Texas Hill Country near her son’s family.


Whether you are at the beach or just wish you were, Missy Buchanan's devotional journal for those of us in the middle years is a refreshing gift! Writing in an engaging style, she helped me feel my blood pressure going down as I read her words. Intertwining scripture, reflections, and questions with an emphasis on appreciating rather than dreading our middle years and beyond, this journal will inspire and bless you.
—Adam Hamilton
Best-selling and award-winning author
Senior Pastor, United Methodist Church of the Resurrection
Leawood, Kansas

In this beautiful book, Missy Buchanan captures the very essence of how I feel as a daughter, sister, wife, mother, and fiercely independent, career-minded woman. At the younger end of the Baby Boomer generation, I find myself apprehensive of what is yet to come. I feel comforted after reading Missy’s words, and the journaling prompts soothed my soul.
—Sabrina R. Porter, president and CEO of Christian Care Communities and Services

Reading Missy Buchanan’s devotional book Beach Calling was a peaceful daily visit to the water’s edge. Alongside the author, I felt the warmth of the sun, heard the lap of the waves, and enjoyed the sensation of sand under my feet. Missy is a wonderful spiritual guide who invites us to draw closer to God, reclaim the wonder of childhood, embrace aging as a beautiful part of life’s journey, and discover God’s blessings of growing older. Each devotion is sprinkled with scriptures and inspiring suggestions and offers ample space for journaling and reflection.
—Dr. Jan Davis, Senior Pastor, Central United Methodist Church, Fayetteville, Arkansas

Missy Buchanan has crafted a thoughtful devotional that draws us closer to God as we consider our own aging. Full of hope, Beach Calling encourages those in the second half of life to let go of denial and fear and instead embrace and celebrate the gifts of growing older. I hope every Baby Boomer will take time to reflect on the message of this book.
—Amy Hanson, PhD (amyhanson.org), Author of Baby Boomers and Beyond: Tapping the Ministry Talents and Passions of Adults Over 50

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