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Mostrando 221 - 230 de 247 resultados

Walking Side by Side

Devotions for Pilgrims  
Joanne Bultemeier, Cherie Jones
Walking Side by Side offers 45 devotional readings that relate to the 15 talks on an Emmaus weekend. The 3 biblically based meditations for each talk help pilgrims continue the spiritual journey on the Fourth Day (the rest of their lives). Pilgrims who want to reflect on topics presented during the weekend will find encouragement in this devotional booklet.

Walking Side by Side

Devotions for Pilgrims  
Joanne Bultemeier, Cherie Jones
Walking Side by Side offers 45 devotional readings that relate to the 15 talks on an Emmaus weekend. The 3 biblically based meditations for each talk help pilgrims continue the spiritual journey on the Fourth Day (the rest of their lives). Pilgrims who want to reflect on topics presented during the weekend will find encouragement in this devotional booklet.

A Wakeful Faith

Spiritual Practice in the Real World  
J. Marshall Jenkins
In the harried, expect-the-unexpected flow of everyday life, faith seems far away for many people. Your car breaks down. The bills are due. The kids need school supplies. The business report remains unwritten. In A Wakeful Faith, Jenkins asserts that living awake to God in all of our daily affairs is the answer. Only when we become consciously aware of God's gracious activity in the details of the day can we transform and find purpose in our lives today. "Each day brings a flood of demands fo...

La vida de devoción en la tradición wesleyana

Un libro de ejercicios  
Steve Harper, Mary Lou Santillan-Baert
Este libro describe los aspectos más importantes en la vida de devoción de Juan Wesley y cómo estos principios pueden ser aplicados a nuestras vidas. El libro está diseñado para tener un estudio semanal por siete semanas y sigue una estructura alrededor de lo que Wesley llama «medios de gracia». Por lo tanto, incluye estudios sobre la oración, la Escritura, la Santa Cena, el ayuno y otros temas. Los grupos y cada persona individual crecerán espiritualmente a medida que aprenden acerca de las...

Heart Whispers Leader's Guide

Benedictine Wisdom for Today  
Elizabeth J. Canham
In this 10-session Leader's Guide, Canham shows how the study of Benedictine Christian spirituality is relevant to today's world. Containing notes for the preparation of group study, Heart Whispers: Leader's Guide also includes exercises for group reflection and the prayerful reading of scripture. Based on the book, Heart Whispers.

Heart Whispers

Benedictine Wisdom for Today  
Elizabeth J. Canham
Heart Whispers offers accessible insights from Benedictine spirituality to help us explore the need for faithful living in today's often stress-filled world. By listening with "the ear of the heart," the sixth-century monk Benedict gained a fresh perspective on Christian spirituality as he lived by three simple vows: stability, obedience, and conversion. A Leader's Guide is also available for those who wish to study Heart Whispers in groups.

Heart Whispers

Benedictine Wisdom for Today  
Elizabeth J. Canham
Heart Whispers offers accessible insights from Benedictine spirituality to help us explore the need for faithful living in today's often stress-filled world. By listening with "the ear of the heart," the sixth-century monk Benedict gained a fresh perspective on Christian spirituality as he lived by three simple vows: stability, obedience, and conversion. A Leader's Guide is also available for those who wish to study Heart Whispers in groups.

Gathered in the Word

Praying the Scripture in Small Groups  
Norvene Vest
Many of us thirst for a meaningful spiritual life. We may even begin a spiritual journey, yet before we are very far along, we discover we need help. Is the living, compassionate God revealed in scripture in a way that offers guidance and comfort to us in our contemporary lives? Norvene Vest says a resounding "Yes!" Using the classic spiritual practice of lectio divina or "divine reading" in the context of small groups, she shows how this devotional and prayerful reading of the scriptures l...

A Guide to Prayer for All God's People

Rueben P. Job, Norman Shawchuck
A compilation of scripture, prayers and spiritual readings, this inexhaustible resource contains thematically arranged material for each week of the year and for monthly personal retreats. Its contents have made it a sought-after desk reference, a valuable library resource, and a cherished companion. Includes excerpts from such writers as Thomas Merton, Evelyn Underhill, Albert Schweitzer, Eugene Peterson, Esther de Waal, Thérèse of Lisieux, and many others.

The Workbook of Living Prayer

Maxie Dunnam
One of the best-selling group resources ever published by The Upper Room, this dynamic and thought-provoking workbook will enrich your prayer life. "My prayer is that all who use this revised edition will not only learn something new about prayer, but more than anything else, will be inspired to pray," writes Dunnam. "Prayer is one of the ways we link ourselves with God, we put ourselves in the channel of God's moving power, and we participate with God in ministry to all persons…I am convince...