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Mostrando 21 - 30 de 31 resultados

Room at My Table

Preparing Heart and Home for Christian Hospitality  
Evelyn Bence
In this delightful collection of 52 devotions, Evelyn Bence reflects on gatherings at her table that have brought together friends, family, and neighbors. The anecdotal meditations ease the door ajar, gently inviting you to welcome others to your table. You see her planning a gathering, choosing recipes, thinking about how to make guests feel at ease. For seasoned hosts, Bence provides encouragement and camaraderie. For novices, she offers gentle instruction laced with humor, realistic expec...

Rhythms of Growth

365 Meditations to Nurture the Soul  
Linda Douty
In Rhythms of Growth, Linda Douty uses the seasons of the year to illustrate natural trends in our spiritual lives. For winter, she writes about themes of rootedness, fallow times, reflection; for spring—awakening, planting, new growth, storms; for summer—bearing fruit, abundance, blossoming, weeding, and pests; for fall—letting go, sifting, harvesting. Douty's conversational style and ability to bring together the everyday and the holy make this book appealing for anyone who wants a devotion...

My Story, My Song

Mother-Daughter Reflections on Life and Faith  
Missy Buchanan, Lucimarian Roberts, Robin Roberts

My Story, My Song is the heartwarming memoir of the late 88-year-old Lucimarian Tolliver Roberts, mother of Good Morning America coanchor Robin Roberts. It details pivotal moments in Mrs. Roberts' life, revealing how faith in God gave her strength and hope to face the challenges of life. Good Morning America viewers came to know and love Lucimarian Tolliver Roberts. For many, the heartfelt connection began the day after Hurricane Katrina blew through the Gulf Coast. They eagerly watched as R...

My Story, My Song

Mother-Daughter Reflections on Life and Faith  
Missy Buchanan, Lucimarian Roberts, Robin Roberts

My Story, My Song is the heartwarming memoir of the late 88-year-old Lucimarian Tolliver Roberts, mother of Good Morning America coanchor Robin Roberts. It details pivotal moments in Mrs. Roberts' life, revealing how faith in God gave her strength and hope to face the challenges of life. Good Morning America viewers came to know and love Lucimarian Tolliver Roberts. For many, the heartfelt connection began the day after Hurricane Katrina blew through the Gulf Coast. They eagerly watched as R...

Reluctant Pilgrim

A Moody, Somewhat Self-Indulgent Introvert's Search for Spiritual Community  
Enuma Okoro
Finalist in the "Best Books 2010" Awards "This is one of those books that you read and then have to sit back or curl up in a ball and 'be still and know.' In these honest, tear-stained pages are clear signs that there is a 'Hound of Heaven' hunting us down—this Spirit that is stalking us with love, winking at us with miracles, tickling us with grace, subverting everything that could destroy us, and whispering in our ears that we are truly beloved." —Shane Claiborne Author, activist, recover...

Reluctant Pilgrim

A Moody, Somewhat Self-Indulgent Introvert's Search for Spiritual Community  
Enuma Okoro
Finalist in the "Best Books 2010" Awards "This is one of those books that you read and then have to sit back or curl up in a ball and 'be still and know.' In these honest, tear-stained pages are clear signs that there is a 'Hound of Heaven' hunting us down—this Spirit that is stalking us with love, winking at us with miracles, tickling us with grace, subverting everything that could destroy us, and whispering in our ears that we are truly beloved." —Shane Claiborne Author, activist, recover...

In the Sanctuary of Women

A Companion for Reflection and Prayer  
Jan L. Richardson
Come spend some time in the sanctuary of women, an often-ignored space in Jewish and Christian history. This devotional book for women highlights six women from around the world and across the centuries, inviting us to discover what their lives tell us about God. Jan Richardson, a gifted poet, artist, and author, believes it is essential for women to listen to one another's wisdom and bring the fullness of their lives, with all the wonders and messiness, into their prayer life. In the Sanctua...

When You Come Unglued... Stick Close to God

Patricia Wilson
Even when your life and faith seem broken, God loves you and wants you to enjoy a life abundant in blessings, freedom, and opportunity. Motivational speaker, spiritual guide, and mentor to women, Patricia Wilson offers a wise and lighthearted take on the serious business of maturing in faith. Her deliciously candid descriptions of contemporary life reveal the ways we lose touch with God. Then she shows us how to reconnect and stick close. "Sticking close to God is not as easy as I thought it ...

Love Never Ends

Growing Together in Marriage and Faith  
Jeanette Lauer, Robert Lauer
"A threefold cord is not quickly broken" (Ecclesiastes 4:12). A relationship where God and spouses are entwined is as strong and resistant to stresses as a braided cord. "A stable, meaningful marriage is further strengthened by a shared spiritual journey," write the authors. "There's a reciprocal relationship between marital and spiritual growth. In our counseling, we often hear how joint faith is one of the most important factors in the vitality and stability of marriage." In Love Never Ends...

Quiet Spaces

Prayer Interludes for Women  
Patricia Wilson
The intimate relationship with God you've yearned for is well within your grasp—despite the chaos of juggling multiple roles, deadlines, and commitments in your stretched-to-the-max life. With Quiet Spaces, you can learn to calm your mind and listen for God's still, small voice in the midst of the tumult around you. Author and former professional speaker Patricia Wilson knows what it's like to struggle with finding a few minutes for herself. Through Quiet Spaces she shows how even a few stray...