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Mostrando 111 - 114 de 114 resultados

The Way of Forgiveness Leader's Guide

Stephen D. Bryant, Marjorie J. Thompson
The Way of Forgiveness Participant's Book is also available for small-group members. The Way of Forgiveness Leader's Guide provides everything you need to lead small groups through this 8-week study. This guide includes step-by-step instructions for each of the weekly sessions. It also includes information to help you develop the distinct skills needed when leading spiritual formation groups. A Weekly Needs at a Glance list helps streamline your preparation. Session topics include: Living ...

A Guide to Prayer for All God's People

Rueben P. Job, Norman Shawchuck
A compilation of scripture, prayers and spiritual readings, this inexhaustible resource contains thematically arranged material for each week of the year and for monthly personal retreats. Its contents have made it a sought-after desk reference, a valuable library resource, and a cherished companion. Includes excerpts from such writers as Thomas Merton, Evelyn Underhill, Albert Schweitzer, Eugene Peterson, Esther de Waal, Thérèse of Lisieux, and many others.

A Guide to Prayer for Ministers and Other Servants

Paperback Edition  
Rueben P. Job, Norman Shawchuck
A best seller for nearly 3 decades! This classic devotional and prayer book is a compilation of scriptures, prayers, readings from well-known spiritual writers, and hymn texts. Each week centers on a different theme and follows this format: invocation, psalm, daily scripture readings, readings for reflection, prayers (for the church, myself, others), reflection time, and a hymn. The back of the book contains models for 12 personal one-day retreats. Featured writers include William Barclay...

The Henri Nouwen Spirituality Series

This series of 4 titles from beloved writer Henri J. M. Nouwen will help you with fundraising, caregiving, creating space for God in your life, and finding your true home in God. A Spirituality of Fundraising Instead of viewing fundraising as a chore, Henri Nouwen invites us to see it as a ministry—a way to ask others to join in our mission and support it financially. Essential for finance committees and anyone who raises money for mission trips, nonprofits, ministry, or business. A Spirit...